How to correctly select Air Disinfectors in public places?

In today’s increasingly serious haze, air disinfection machines have become one of the indispensable appliances in people’s lives. Many public places need to use air disinfection machines like air disnfection for air conditioning, so air disinfection machine selection is even more important. Obviously, public places have more stringent performance requirements for air disinfection machines as well as purification effects. So, what types are available to meet the standards they use, and how do you choose one?
Public places are important places for people to gather, but at the same time they are also accompanied by some problems, such as clutter, poor air circulation and more particles. This is the time to choose a suitable air disinfection machine, a combination of all relevant factors such as plasma air disnfection, public places should use air disinfection machine or central air conditioning system air purifier.

First, consider the public places have relatively adequate space for air purification disinfector purification effect has great requirements. Secondly, the purification capacity, it is necessary to choose a purification and disinfection machine with a large amount of purified air out per unit of time, and generally speaking, the large volume can generally meet the above purification requirements. There are also factors to consider is the air purification equipment maintenance and repair problems, are not small requirements for the use of air purification and disinfection machine quality, air purification and disinfection machine or central air conditioning system air purifier easy to maintain is also a major highlight.

The safety indicators of air disinfection machines used in public places is also a point that should not be ignored. In addition to the safety indicators required for ordinary air purification and disinfection machines, there is an important place is the ozone indicator, because the special working principle of some disinfection machines will generate ozone while working, if the ozone generated is beyond the acceptable range it can not be considered. Finally, consider the layout of the environmental space, air purification and disinfection machines must be integrated with the overall layout of the environmental space.

Clink Here:You can see more for Edda Air Split Disinfection Air Conditioner!


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