Plasma Water Treatment

PS-506TF Plasma Activated Water Treatment Equipment

PS-506TF Plasma Water Treatment Equipment Ions Activated Water

The air is first ionized by an ion generator to form a large number of positive and negative ions (millions of them). Using the hydrophilicity of ions, the ionized air is injected into water by an air pump to form ion-activated water.
Eddaair’s water treatment equipment, unlike other plasma activated water, we use a simple concept to improve the efficiency of water treatment, reduce energy consumption, and achieve better results.


  • Cleaning of pesticides
  • Exterminate bacteria
  • Kill virus
  • 저렴한 유지 보수
  • 냄새, 곰팡이, 먼지, 유해 가스 및 박테리아 감소
l1스케치로 만들었습니다.

제품 정보

The Eddaair plasma activated water takes the simplest concept, bypassed the complex design and injected ions directly into the water that needs to be treated. All you need is an air pump or venturi tube to inject ionized air into the water, which is enough to sterilize and deodorize the water. Such as the common E. coli, Legionella, is easily killed. Eddaair’s plasma activated water, no chemical residue, clean and environmentally friendly, is in line with the concept of sustainable development. It can be widely used in swimming pool, fruit and vegetable cleaning, livestock drinking water, plant irrigation and other needs.


데이터 다운로드

Net weight: 13.4kg
전압: AC110/220V
전원 공급 장치: 220W
적용 면적: 200-300㎡
Dimension: 577*350*205mm
이온 튜브 크기: 350mm(14인치)
Ion tube quantity: 6


Plasma activated water
Plasma activated water
Plasma activated water
Plasma activated water
Plasma activated water
Plasma activated water
Plasma activated water
Plasma activated water