UCLA Research Shows Cold Plasma Can Kill Coronavirus on Common Surfaces in Seconds

Plasma Air Disinfection Machine

Advance may offer safe and effective way to curb spread of COVID-19

Nov 23, 2020 By UCLA Samueli Newsroom

UCLA engineers and scientists have demonstrated that treatments with near-room-temperature, cold atmospheric plasma can kill the coronavirus present on a variety of surfaces in as little as 30 seconds.
A study detailing the research, which was published this month in the journal Physics of Fluids, is the first time cold plasma has been shown to effectively and quickly disinfect surfaces contaminated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.


Plasma Air Disinfection Machine

The novel coronavirus can remain infectious for tens of hours on surfaces so the advance is a major breakthrough that may help slow the spread of virus.

“This is a really exciting result, showing the potential of cold atmospheric plasma as a safe and effective way to fight transmission of the virus by killing it on a wide range of surfaces,” said study leader Richard Wirz, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering.

Plasma, not to be confused with blood plasma, is an electrically charged gas known as the fourth state of matter (solid, liquid and gas being the others), with electrons and charged ions accounting for its main makeup.

The researchers created the plasma by subjecting air and argon gas — a common, non-toxic gas — to a strong electric field across electrodes inside a spray jet built by a 3D printer. The resulting ionized, atmospheric cold plasma remains stable at room temperatures.

The team used the jet to spray plastic, metal, cardboard and leather surfaces laced with SARS-CoV-2 cultures. The jet ionized the surrounding air, turning it into cold atmospheric plasma and killing most of the virus after 30 seconds. The team saw similar results with cotton from facemasks. Leather from a basketball, football and baseball was included to test effectiveness in disinfecting sports equipment and to simulate the rough and wrinkled surface of skin.

Cold plasma has previously been shown in research studies to be effective in cancer treatment, wound healing, dental-instrument disinfection and other applications.

An important advantage of plasma is that it can be safely used on a variety of surfaces without damaging them, while treatments with chemicals and UV light cannot be used effectively on porous surfaces like cardboard and skin without damage.

Another advantage is an estimated lower cost for supplies compared to standard chemical sanitizers. The researchers are working with campus units at UCLA to further test the system.

“This eco-friendly, innovative technology could be implemented to prevent the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in hospitals, transportation and sports settings,” said study co-author Vaithi Arumugaswami, an associate professor of molecular and medical pharmacology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

According to Wirz, cold plasma may even be a potential candidate, pending further study, to kill the coronavirus when it is airborne.

The study’s lead author is Zhitong Chen, a postdoctoral scholar in Wirz’s research group, which performs a wide range of plasma-based research, from propulsion to fusion materials.

UCLA staff research associate Gustavo Garcia, a member of Arumugaswami’s research group, is also an author on the paper.

The research was supported in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, with additional support from the Geffen School of Medicine and the Broad Stem Cell Research Institute.

The researchers have also created a UCLA-based startup, uPlasma, to further explore the potential of the technology.

For more info about plasma air purifiers, Click here!


Cold plasma in food processing: Design, mechanisms, and applications

1. Introduction
In the last two decades, non-thermal processing technologies have gained widespread attention from the food industry interested in mildand effective processes. These alternative technologies may increase functionality and shelf-life, reducing the negative impact on food nutrients and natural flavor (Huang et al., 2017). Some of the most successful non-thermal methods are high-pressure processing (Kalagaturet al., 2018), ultrasound (Pinon ˜ et al., 2020), pulsed electric field (Clemente et al., 2020; Schottroff et al., 2020), ultraviolet light (Corrˆeaet al., 2020), high-intensity pulsed light (Moraes and Moraru, 2018), gamma irradiation (Deshmukh et al., 2020), and, most recently, cold plasma (CP) (Govaert et al., 2020; Kim et al., 2020). Plasma can be described as an ionized gas containing reactive oxygen species (ROS: O, O2, ozone (O3), and OH), reactive nitrogen species (RNS: NO, NO2, and NOx), ultraviolet radiation (UV), free radicals, and charged particles (Bourke et al., 2018; L. Han et al., 2016a, 2016b). Typically, plasma is generated when electrical energy is applied to a gas present or flowing between two electrodes with a high electrical potential difference that causes gas ionization (Mandal et al., 2018) due to free electrons colliding with those gas molecules. When the ionized gas is formed by relatively low energy (1–10 eV) and electronic density (up to 1010 cm− 3 ), it is called CP (Roualdes and Rouessac, 2017). In the CP, there is a thermodynamic non-equilibrium between electrons and heavy species. Hence, the temperature between them is different because electrons are much lighter than ions and neutral molecules, and only a small fraction of the total energy is exchanged (Misra et al., 2018, 2019b). Thus, the cooling of the ions and uncharged molecules is more effective than energy transfer from electrons, and the gas stays at a low temperature (Misra et al., 2016b). The average electron energy of CP, up to 10 eV, is ideal for the excitation of atomic and molecular species and breaking the chemical bonds (Eliasson and Kogelschatz, 1991). All organic molecules having similar ionization and dissociation energies from 3 to 6 eV can easily be destroyed by plasma (Suhr, 1983). CP technology has been used in many manufacturing industries, such as medical devices, textiles, automotive, aerospace, electronics, and packaging materials (Bermudez-Aguirre, 2020; Olatunde et al., 2019a). Recently, CP has been incorporated into the food industry to reduce microbial count (Govaert et al., 2020; Kim et al., 2020; Mahnot et al., 2019; Moutiq et al., 2020; Olatunde et al., 2019a; Zhao et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2019), degrade mycotoxin (Puligundla et al., 2020; Sen et al., 2019), inactivate enzymes (Chutia et al., 2019; Kang et al., 2019), increase the concentration of bioactive compounds (Silveira et al., 2019), enhance antioxidant activity (X. Li et al., 2019a, 2019b), and reduce pesticides (Phan et al., 2018; Toyokawa et al., 2018) and 

allergens (Ekezie et al., 2019b; Venkataratnam et al., 2019) in food products.However, CP treatment is still an emerging process regarding adverse effects in foods (e.g., lipid oxidation), safety evaluation, and regulatory approval. In the last years, several studies focused on improving CP treatment by designing new plasma equipment and testing different process variables in many situations (Andrasch et al., 2017; Feizollahi et al., 2020; Misra and Jo, 2017; Zhao et al., 2020; Ziuzina et al., 2016). The growing literature presents many reviews discussing the consequences of CP application to different food types (Ekezie et al., 2017a; Feizollahi et al.,2020; Gavahian and Khaneghah, 2020; Muhammad et al., 2018b; Pan-kaj et al., 2018). However, it should be noted that there is a lack of comprehensive evaluation about the parameters affecting CP generation and their impact on food processing, such as electrode material, system geometry, and shape. Therefore, this review presents a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the art concerning CP operating parameters and application in the food sector. The main mechanisms and factors influencing plasma efficiency are presented and discussed,including their relationship in the most enlightening studies of the CP effect in food products.

2. Cold plasma generation: mechanism and methods
2.1. Townsend theory and Paschen’s law Gas breakdown and electron avalanche refer to the fundamental mechanisms for transforming a gas from non-conductive into a conductive medium for electrons. The formation and multiplication of the so-called electron avalanches throughout the gas breakdown are criteria for discharging all kinds of plasma, as described by the Townsend theory (Xiao, 2016). According to Townsend’s theory, as sketched in Fig. 1a, (i) when the energy applied between two electrodes is sufficient, the molecule kinetic energy increases, and electrons are released from the cathode surface in opposition to the electrical field. Electrical current increases as the voltage increases, reaching saturation, and (ii) a current becomes constant. The electrons are accelerated towards the anode. Under these conditions, the collisions are elastic (without altering internal energy),and electron energy is little to ionize or excite other molecules. (iii) The ,electrons continue to collide until acquiring energy to ionize atoms, with the inelastic collisions, which are more efficient for transferring energy.If the collisions have enough energy, they can dissociate the molecules and atoms, transforming them into ions and electrons. The migration of electrons and ions forms the current. (iv) The electrons formed are accelerated in the electric field, colliding and ionizing other atoms and molecules, generating many positive ions, electrons, and the electron avalanche. Due to less mass and higher speed, electrons (105–106 m/s) move to the avalanche head, while positive ions (50–500 m/s) are the tail. The ions extract new electrons from the cathode surface, which will form subsequential avalanches. When a sufficiently intense ionization occurs, the gas disrupts completely and becomes conductive (Bruggeman et al., 2017; Conrads and Schmidt, 2000; Misra et al., 2016b; Xiao, 2016).A glow discharge (GD) can be generated at low pressure into the electrode gap after the breakdown, such as micro-discharges. However,a streamer discharge with a filamentary appearance can be generated at atmospheric pressure, as shown in Fig. 1b. This type of discharge occurs when the (v) anode captures the electrons, and it forms a volume of positive ions between the electrodes (space charge). The ions recombine with free electrons, and photons are emitted, causing the nearby gas photoionization, and generating more electrons. Thus, new avalanches are formed (secondary avalanches). (vi) The secondary avalanches join the main avalanche, as the electrons recombine with their positive ions. (vii) A consecutive and rapid process occurs, with photons release and new avalanches formation creating a highly conductive channel, known as streamer discharge (Bruggeman et al., 2017; Xiao, 2016). From Townsend’s theory, the avalanche condition derived Paschen’s law, which is traditionally used to predict gas breakdown (Garner et al., 2020). Paschen’s law defines that the voltage necessary to ignite a plasma between two electrodes for a specific gas depends on the product pressure (p) and electrode gap distance (d). This voltage leads to an equilibrium between the electrons’ generation that creates volumetric electron avalanches and secondary electron emission processes,     with electrons losses on the surfaces (Garner et al., 2020). For low values of the product pd, the breakdown voltage is high due to the few collisions that occur, and therefore more energy to generate plasma is necessary. For high pd values, the breakdown voltage is also heightened due to numerous collisions that cause the particles to lose energy quickly, being essential to increase the energy supplied (Nehra et al., 2008). The shape of the curve p vs. d for different gases is similar, presenting a minimum pd value in the range of 130–1300 Pa cm (Bruggeman et al., 2017).2.2.CP sources suitable to food  application .The plasma generation methods most applied for food processing are categorized into dielectric barrier discharge (DBD), plasma jet (PJ), corona discharge (CD), radiofrequency (RF), and microwave (MW) (Bermudez-Aguirre, 2020). Specificities for each of them are given and discussed in the following.

2.2.1.Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD)

The plasma production with DBD is growing in importance due to its low costs at the industrial scale. This technology is one of the most convenient forms of plasma generation that provides several applica- tions due to its configuration and flexibility for the electrode shape and the dielectric material used (Misra et al., 2019b; Ziuzina et al.,  2013).DBD plasma is generated by a high voltage applied between two metal electrodes (a powered electrode and a ground electrode). One or both electrodes are covered with a dielectric material, such as a polymer, glass, quartz, or ceramic, separated by a variable gap ranging from 0.1 mm to several centimeters (Fig. 2a) (Becker et al., 2005; Kogelschatz, 2003). The typical range of parameters for DBD operation is (i) gas pressures between 1 × 104 and 1 × 106 Pa, (ii) frequency band  varying between 10 and 50 MHz, (iii) alternating current (AC) or pulsed direct current (DC) with voltage amplitude oscillating between 1 and 100 kVrms (Feizollahi et al., 2020).An application that opens many possibilities for the DBD system is the food treatment in-package, with CP generation inside the sealed package. This procedure allows to extend the action time of the reactive species on microorganisms and prevents post-process contamination. An example is the DBD reactor developed by Ziuzina et al. (2016) for in- dustrial operation in food production. This prototype used ACP for continuous in-package decontamination of fresh cherry tomatoes, evaluating E. coli and L. innocua counts. The plasma system consisted of two parallel 1 m-long electrodes with an applied output voltage of 0–100 kV, an adjustable discharge gap of up to 4.5 cm, maximum consumed power of 900 W, and a discharge current of 2.2–5.0 A. The authors observed a reduction in 5 log and 3.5 log in E. coli and L. innocua counts, respectively, after 150 s of treatment. Another piece of equip- ment at a pilot scale was proposed by Zhao et al. (2020); their ACP-DBD prototype was used to inactivate S. aureus on the apricot surface. It consisted of a copper mesh as a high voltage electrode, a quartz tube as a dielectric barrier, and a grounded copper foil. A pulsed DC power supply drove this device. The applied voltage, frequency, and voltage pulse width were 17 kV, 1 kHz, and 3 μs, respectively. The authors observed a 1.57 log reduction of S. aureus in 15 s of treatment.

What are the methods of air disinfection?

Here we would like to introduces some common methods of air disinfection and sterilization.

1. Static air disinfection
1.1 fumigation, fumigation with vinegar, sealing doors and windows during fumigation – people shall not be in the environment (irritating respiratory tract);
1.2 spray disinfectant and spray disinfectant in the air for 84 disinfectants.
1.3 ultraviolet lamp disinfection: place the ultraviolet lamp in a fixed position or space – people should leave the irradiation environment (harmful to the human body);
1.4 ozone disinfection and closed environment disinfection are highly corrosive. People must leave during disinfection (irritation of respiratory tract, etc.).

2. Dynamic air disinfection
Disinfect with sterilizer equipment and devices, including cabinet type, wall-mounted type, ceiling type and other forms. One 2000m ³/ The air dynamic disinfection machine with h air volume is 200m ³ The indoor opening of the space for 60min can meet the disinfection requirements. The sterilizer itself is non-toxic and harmless, can be used continuously under the condition of people, and also has the function of removing dust and harmful gases. Such as plasma, ultraviolet air disinfection machine.

Wall mounted ultraviolet air disinfector

3.Disinfection equipment – air sterilizer
3.1 Plasma air disinfector
Plasma diffusion deodorization technology uses the way of diffusing plasma into the air to decompose gaseous pollutants, harmful bacteria and viruses in the air, which is also very effective in dealing with peculiar smell.
3.2 Ultraviolet air disinfector
The circulating air passes through the interior of the ultraviolet air disinfector to kill viruses and bacteria.
Because the ultraviolet with the wavelength of about 260nm is easily absorbed by organisms (strictly speaking, 253. Nm), the sterilization effect is the best. Aojie ultraviolet sterilizer uses 5-7 ultraviolet lamps for anti-virus, which has a strong and complete anti-virus effect per unit time, and the standard is above the national standard.

4.Air disinfection
4.1 Medical
Effectively control the secondary pollution caused by airflow between departments and wards, reduce the secondary cross-infection between patients and caregivers, patients and medical staff, and make patients recover quickly. General operating room, ward, ICU, dental clinic, beauty, and plastic surgery, and other medical environments;
4.2 Household
Avoid that bad indoor air aggravates many additional burdens on the human immune system, resulting in physical consumption and reducing productivity and work efficiency. Reduce immune system diseases such as leukemia, asthma, and emphysema induced by air pollution, and promote human physical and mental health. It is generally used as a rehabilitation aid for respiratory diseases;
4.3 Industry
In the production of food, cosmetics, and drugs, air disinfection prevents secondary pollution by bacteria in the air during production, cooling, filling, and inner packaging, so as to ensure product quality and safety. Generally, it is subject to anti-corrosion and sterilization treatment.
4.4 Kindergartens and schools
Kindergartens and nurseries are highly mobile, plus children’s immunity. If caught up with flu season, the air in classrooms can directly cause infectious diseases such as flu and prevent viruses and bacteria from spreading through the air. In some experimental kindergartens (such as the experimental kindergarten in Guangdong Province, which has installed Edda Air air disinfection machine), air disinfection machines are purchased for indoor air disinfection and purification.

Plasma Air’s Bipolar Ionization Works to Clean the Air of Viruses and Bacteria

Available Techniques for Purifying Indoor Air:
There are currently several air sterilization technologies on the market that are useful to vary degrees for the purification of air and the maintenance of IAQ, allowing for the reduction of infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, as well as the reduction in allergens and other particulates, especially useful in hospitals and other medical facilities. If we can greatly reduce or prevent an infection from occurring, we do not have to worry about antibiotic resistance or other problematic aspects of treating them. Similarly reducing or eliminating allergens may more positively affect the 6th leading cause of chronic disease in the U.S. –allergies, and asthma. These IAQ purification techniques are listed as follows in order of decreasing efficacy: Bi-Polar Ionization, PCO/PCI (photo-catalytic oxidation) technology, Needle-point Ionization, HEPA Air Filters, UV Light, Electrostatic precipitation. Of the aforementioned, there is only one technology that satisfies all of the tenants for providing clean indoor air quality for an entire building, which uses low energy, is effective against bacteria, viruses, and mold fungi (whether in the air or on surfaces), neutralizes particulates, breaks down VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) eliminates unpleasant odors, eliminates static electricity and produces no chemical or harmful by-products and this is accomplished by the production of positive and negative ions (bipolar ionization). That system is Bipolar Ionization, a leading manufacturer being Edda Air.

Bipolar Ionization:
Bipolar ionization is created when an alternating voltage source (AC) is applied to a glass tube with two electrodes. When voltage is applied to the tube’s electrodes (like electricity is applied to a light bulb’s filament) an ionization field is produced around the tube (just as light is produced from the light bulb). However, the ionization cannot be seen but its presence will result in “mountain air” freshness. Such plasma ions occur naturally especially on mountain tops and waterfalls, where the production of both positive and negative ions purifies the air. Such a system has significant commercial and industrial applications. The airflow distributes the energized ions into all spaces served by the duct system in an in-duct installation or into the application space if a standalone is used. The beauty of this system is just how easily it integrates into existing commercial and residential HVAC air disinfection systems. Unlike most air purification systems BiPolar Ionization seeks out particulates and contaminants, including germs, and does not wait for pollutants to find their way into the filter within the air handler. Instead charged plasma ions go to the contaminants in the space where you breathe, just as in nature, and do so in a continuous fashion and with continuous disinfection,like air sterilization purifier.

These positively and negatively charged ions affect dust particles, allergen VOCs, odors, and bacteria, viruses, molds, and mold spores. For example, regarding particles— oppositely charged ions cause particles to attract to other particles and become bigger and heavier, by a process called “agglomeration”. These bigger heavier particles can now be better trapped by HVAC air purifier system filters so the filters operate more efficiently. Also, many small particles that are generated within a space by people and their activities may never get to system filters and ordinarily stay suspended in the air for long periods and can be breathed in, increasing the chance of illness and respiratory distress. The bipolar ion process will drop these to the floor quickly taking them away from where we breathe. VOCs or gaseous chemicals off-gasses typically cause odors and irritations. These are also a major source of “Sick Building Syndrome” complaints, where people feel ill at work but feel better when they leave the building. Bi-Polar ions break down hydrocarbon chains that make up these complex compounds into immeasurable levels of carbon dioxide and water vapor. On micro-organisms like bacteria, viruses, and molds, bipolar ions will interrupt the reproductive ability of these organisms so rather than colony forming units (CFU) increasing and spreading and expanding, they shrink away and lessen the chance of infection.

See the figures below, which pictorially help explain this process:

Mechanism for Inactivating Airborne Virus The positive (H+) and negative (O2-) ions surround the hemagglutinin (surface proteins that form on organisms and trigger infections) and change into highly reactive OH groups called hydroxyl radicals (•OH). These take a hydrogen molecule from the hemagglutinin and change into water (H2O). The ions destroy the virus surface structure, for example its envelopes and spikes, on a molecular level. As a result, the virus cannot infect even if it enters the body.

This technology accomplishes these benefits by sizing systems that consist of one of more bi-polar ion tubes, to the airflow rate of the HVAC air purifier system and the particulars of the space. The system then saturates the spaces with adequate quantities of bi-polar ions to ensure these reactions can occur. One advantage to the way the BiPolar technology is applied is that it requires no reengineering of the HVAC air purifier system, requires no continual adjustment or maintenance except a replacement of the bi-polar ion tube every 2 years. In laboratory testing these systems have shown significant contaminant reduction capabilities. The active process of the ions saturating the space to get to the source of contamination shows great efficiency when compared to passive technologies that must bring the contaminant to the device to be affected.

See the below chart of comparison testing of CADR rate (Clean Air Delivery Rate):

Bipolar ionization air purifier systems have shown good performance on dust particles, VOC’s and microorganisms both in air and on surfaces.

How We Make Each Other Sick:
There are available techniques for cleaning indoor air, but in order to better understand these options it is imperative to first discuss the dynamics of how we make each other sick. The great majority of human infections, about 80%, are transmitted by direct and indirect contact, and the remaining 20% of infections are transmitted by 3 other modalities, namely, common source (contaminated food or drink), arthropod vectors (such as 1 mosquitoes and ticks), and true airborne droplets (particles 5 micrometers or less, which is 5 millionths of a meter in size, and which do not readily drop to the affect of gravity. Infections such as tuberculosis, SARS and influenza can be spread in this way.Air disinfection machine can control virus spreading.

Contact Spread:
For contact spread the perspective host must have actual contact with the source of germs. Such contact can be direct, indirect or via aerosol droplets. An easy to understand example of direct contact is shaking hands or kissing someone who has a cold, which can easily spread that cold virus to you. Coughing, sneezing or talking (are aerosols which usually spread within a few feet from the source and the victim) in the face of another person in close proximity can also spread their germs directly to that person. On the other hand, indirect contact spread is distinguished from direct contact transmission by an intermediate object, usually an inanimate object like a doorknob or other surface that a contagious person has touched or contaminated very recently, then afterwards, you touch it and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth or an opening in the skin which are the conduits of entry into your body.

Airborne Spread:
Airborne spread implies the spread of germs over a distance of more than several feet between the source and the victim. The infectious organisms are usually contained in droplet nuclei, which are 5 micrometers in diameter (5 millionths of a meter) or smaller in size. These particles can remain suspended in air for hours or days and do not easily fall to the forces of gravity. The classic example of airborne spread is the transmission of the tuberculosis bacillus by means of droplet nuclei. Another organism spread via airborne is influenza, and yet another virus called SARS. Ionizer air purifier have high-efficient disinfecting SARS. 

Recently there was a report of a leaky dust filled vacuum cleaner, contaminated with Salmonella, which got re-suspended in the air each time the vacuum cleaner was turned on thereby infecting and re-infecting the household members. What is important to understand is that dust particles can carry germs but they can also carry allergens. According to the CDC allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic disease in the U.S. at a cost of about $18 Billion all told. An interesting statistic often quoted is that the average 1500 sq. ft. house accumulates about 40 pounds of dust over a year. And there are approximately 40,000 dust mites and debris that are contained in every ounce of dust. Breathing in such air can exacerbate existing allergies including asthma. Some ill health effects may show up shortly after a single exposure to pollutants in indoor air while some people can become sensitized to biological or chemical pollutants after repeated exposure. Other ill health effects may show up either years after exposure has occurred, or after repeated periods of exposure to poor indoor air quality.

Greatest Risks:
Anywhere there is a building or facility that houses numerous people over an extended period of time, there is an unquestionable need to provide and/or maintain the quality of the indoor air. This is especially so for hospitals, medical centers, and other medical facilities, because this is where most of the antibiotic resistant bacteria reside and where many sick people are housed. As previously mentioned 80% of all infectious diseases are transmitted by direct and indirect contact. This issue is especially important in hospitals where caregivers can contribute to unnecessary illness and even deaths. According to the CDC there are almost a million nosocomial (hospital acquired) infections that occur every year as well as about 75,000 deaths from these infections at a cost to society of about $4 billion annually. Nosocomial infections, especially those caused by highly antibiotic resistant germs, kill more people every year than pancreatic cancer, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s combined. 

These diseases are the subjects of large public-relations campaigns to raise awareness and solicit funds to combat them. Yet nothing as robust exists for nosocomial infections. Certainly antibiotics have saved millions of lives over the past 65 years or so, and will save countless others in the decades to come but in one sense the world’s antibiotic use has been a 65 year experiment in self-sabotage. The selective ability to develop antibiotic drug resistance has allowed us to create more and more dangerous germs. Misuse of wonder drugs has created superbugs. Nowhere are superbugs more prevalent than in hospitals and medical facilities. It is of the utmost importance to prevent infection in anyway and everyway we can (including use of technology that can maintain indoor air quality), so as not to be faced with a treatment dilemma. BiPolar Ionization can be that added measure to reduce possible spread of infections while also providing much cleaner and healthier air within the space.

There are many different types of viruses in existence due to the variety of genomic structures. Viruses contain more structural genomic diversity than plants, animals, archaea, or bacteria.We have to make some a air sterilization purifier to protecte ourselves.

It is not possible for us to test against all types of viruses. We have therefore selected to test a range of viruses that are pathogenic to humans. We have also selected certain viruses that act as surrogates for other viruses that are too dangerous to be tested. These include enveloped and nonenveloped classes.


Working Principle of Plasma Air Disinfection

Many germs are mainly transmitted by droplets. Air disinfection is a key step to block the transmission path. Plasma Air disinfection machine is also good equipment to kill virus and pathogenic microorganisms in the air. Today, we have a basic understanding of various air disinfection machines. Let’s understand the working principle of the plasma air disinfection machine!

According to the working principle, plasma air disinfectors are divided into the following types
1.Physical system plasma air disinfection machine
Kill viruses or remove microorganisms in the air by electrostatic adsorption, filtration technology, and ultraviolet light. The common ones are electrostatic adsorption air disinfectors, filters (HEPA), ultraviolet air disinfectors, plasma air disinfection for air conditioning, etc.

2.Chemical factor plasma air disinfection machine
For example, chlorine dioxide air disinfection machine, ozone air disinfection machine, hydrogen peroxide air disinfection machine, etc. The ozone produced by the ozone air disinfection machine is one of the strong oxidants known to be available. Its oxidation capacity is second only to fluorine and has a strong Jun killing ability. The ozone in the indoor air is quickly and evenly filled, and there can be no dead corner in disinfection. At the same time, ozone is unstable and can be reduced to oxygen at room temperature without polluting the environment.

3.Plasma air disinfection machine with other factors
Plasma air disinfection machine, photocatalytic air disinfection machine, etc. in fact, air disinfection machine has been quietly applied in some places since 30 years ago.
Hospitals are places where disinfection machines are widely used. Controlling the spread of pathogens through the air, object surfaces and medical instruments is the Xin content of Ran prevention and treatment in hospitals. Air disinfection, like a crowded place, hospitals diagnose and treat Ji diseases with lower resistance than ordinary people, and some receive trauma diagnosis and treatment with wounds.

At present, more and more clean hand operating rooms are entering hospitals, which has become the main means of air purification and disinfection in hand operating rooms of hospitals above class II in China. The air disinfection of hospitals was mainly ultraviolet before. However, with the technological progress of physics, machinery, and chemical industry, ozone air disinfection machine, circulating air ultraviolet air disinfection machine Electrostatic adsorption air disinfectors and other air disinfectors have also begun to be widely used.

The purpose of disinfection is achieved by reasonably reducing dust particles and microorganisms in the air. At present, the popularization rate of hospital clean hand operation rooms is very high. Based on daily cleaning and replacement of filter screen, the cleaning effect is relatively good. According to the design requirements of different cleanliness levels, the cleanroom adopts circulation, initial effect, medium effect, and filtration.

Precautions for use of plasma sterilizer
1. Selection is based on on-site properties. In an environment with people, you can choose the air disinfection machine with chemical factors and the air disinfection machine with physical factors. In an environment without people.
2. In use, whether it is used for static disinfection or dynamic continuous disinfection, doors and windows are required to be closed.
3. It is strictly prohibited to cover or block the air exchange port of the sterilizer.
4. To achieve the disinfection effect, the volume shall not be too large.
5. When killing Jun with an ozone machine, operators are strictly prohibited to work in an ozone environment.

The above introduction is the working principle of the plasma air sterilization machine. Some friends are very concerned about whether to use an air disinfection machine in a family environment and how to choose. In fact, nature has prepared a good means of air disinfection for us. 

Click Here! Learn more about sterilization air purifiers!

How to correctly select Air Disinfectors in public places?

In today’s increasingly serious haze, air disinfection machines have become one of the indispensable appliances in people’s lives. Many public places need to use air disinfection machines like air disnfection for air conditioning, so air disinfection machine selection is even more important. Obviously, public places have more stringent performance requirements for air disinfection machines as well as purification effects. So, what types are available to meet the standards they use, and how do you choose one?
Public places are important places for people to gather, but at the same time they are also accompanied by some problems, such as clutter, poor air circulation and more particles. This is the time to choose a suitable air disinfection machine, a combination of all relevant factors such as plasma air disnfection, public places should use air disinfection machine or central air conditioning system air purifier.

First, consider the public places have relatively adequate space for air purification disinfector purification effect has great requirements. Secondly, the purification capacity, it is necessary to choose a purification and disinfection machine with a large amount of purified air out per unit of time, and generally speaking, the large volume can generally meet the above purification requirements. There are also factors to consider is the air purification equipment maintenance and repair problems, are not small requirements for the use of air purification and disinfection machine quality, air purification and disinfection machine or central air conditioning system air purifier easy to maintain is also a major highlight.

The safety indicators of air disinfection machines used in public places is also a point that should not be ignored. In addition to the safety indicators required for ordinary air purification and disinfection machines, there is an important place is the ozone indicator, because the special working principle of some disinfection machines will generate ozone while working, if the ozone generated is beyond the acceptable range it can not be considered. Finally, consider the layout of the environmental space, air purification and disinfection machines must be integrated with the overall layout of the environmental space.

Clink Here:You can see more for Edda Air Split Disinfection Air Conditioner!

Why Plasma Purifier Becomes the 1rst Choice for Fresh Air System with?

We all have this feeling: in the confined, crowded indoor, stay for a period of time, there is a feeling of dizziness, slow reaction and even thinking stagnation, which is caused by the lack of oxygen indoors. If a new air system is installed indoors, this will not be the case. Then, if a new air system is installed, do you need to buy an air disinfection machine?

The new air sent indoors, despite the filtration, but in some extreme pollution weather conditions (especially in the northern part of China) is still not useful, there will be the following two possibilities.

First, the new air filtration system is not strong enough, the air entering the room is still in a polluted state.The indoor space is too poor and may have many germs.

The second is that the filtration system of the new air is too strong, the fresh air sent into the room is not enough, when the air exchange can not be completed smoothly, the dirty air will come in through the door and other channels in a continuous stream. Our windows and doors themselves are gaps, whether it is better broken bridge aluminum material or general plastic material, there are gaps, just the size of the gap problem.

Therefore, even if the installation of fresh air, the industry still recommends that we shuold buy disnfection air purifiers in the process of fresh air for air, through EddaAir plasma purifier to achieve the purification effect will be installed in the fresh air system duct or chassis of low-pressure high-efficiency plasma ion generator, the structure is: electrostatic filter + ion generator + fan. From such a air purifier system structure can be seen, low-pressure high-efficiency ion purification system technology used in air purification new air system, can be fresh air ventilation + filter PM2.5 + air purification, and finally achieve the effect of clean air.

 At present, air disnfection for air conditioning system in shopping malls, hospitals, hotels, office buildings, villas, airports, stations and other places with high traffic flow, the use of very wide. Plasma ion air purifier technology is currently the best technology inside the air purification(Including using the HVAC air disinfection system), and divided into industrial and commercial two, the difference lies in the amount of ozone, while the new air system used in the plasma is ozone-free.

 Plasma technology that does not generate ozone is a good technology to clean air to add plasma belongs to the ranks of health care air, the problem is to get rid of pollutants in the air and PM2.5 and then add negative ions, which is the best application of plasma technology, rather than to emphasize the use of plasma technology to purify the polluted air.

Is Plasma Cluster Ionizer Harmful to Human Body?

Is the  Plasma Air purification Disinfection system harmful to human body?The answer is harmless. Edda air plasma air purifier works in a friendly environment and is harmless to human body. Edda air plasma has strong sterilization effect and short action time, which is far lower than that of high-intensity ultraviolet light. Continuous operation will not produce ultraviolet and ozone to avoid secondary pollution to the environment.

Edda Central Air Conditioning Disinfection works in a friendly environment and is harmless to the human body.
Features of Edda air Central Air Conditioning Disinfection:

1. High-efficiency sterilization: plasma ions sterilization has a strong disinfection effect and short action time, which is far lower than high-intensity ultraviolet light.

2. Environmental protection: plasma sterilization is carried out continuously, not producing ultraviolet and ozone and avoiding secondary pollution to the environment.

3. High-efficiency degradability: plasma sterilizer can disinfect the air and degrade harmful and toxic gases in the air. According to the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention test report, the degradation rate within 24 hours: formaldehyde 91%, benzene 93%, ammonia 78%, and xylene 96%. At the same time, Plasma Cluster Ionizer can effectively remove pollutants such as flue gas and smoke smell.

4. Low energy consumption: the power of HVAC air purifier is 1 / 3 of that of ultraviolet disinfectors, which is very power-saving. Compared with a room of 150 square meters, the plasma machine is 150 watts and the ultraviolet machine is more than 450 watts, saving more than 200$ of electricity every year.

5. Long service life: when the Central Air Purifier is in normal use, the design service life is 15 years, and the ultraviolet sterilizer is only 5 years.

Scope of application.

1、Medical and health care: operating room, ICU, NICU, neonatal room, delivery room, burn ward, supply room, intervention center, isolation ward, hemodialysis room, infusion room, biochemical room, laboratory, etc.

2、Other: biopharmaceuticals, food production, public places, meeting rooms, etc.

How to Solve the Problem of Air Purification in Commercial Environment?

Indoor air quality and hygiene are closely related to people’s health. With the implementation of the normalization of epidemic prevention, how to carry out scientific and effective indoor disinfection has become a very important issue, and health issues should not be treated perfunctorily. 

According to the instructions of the Environmental Cleanliness Committee, it is extremely important to standardize the sterilization of crowded spaces to resume work and production.

In addition to the diligent window opening, more ventilation, regular disinfection of tableware and public contact areas, the use of professional air purification equipment is also a common way to keep the commercial environment permanently clean. For example, Central Air Conditioning Disinfection System.

Edda Air HVAC Air Purifier System, a professional Plasma Air Purification and management company, has its own intellectual property rights to Edda Air’s safe and efficient plasma air treatment technology, which is far superior to other ionization technologies in terms of work efficiency and has obvious advantages in the number of plasma generated, the energy of ions and the consistency of positive and negative ions.

It is important to know that not all purifiers can effectively remove viruses. Edda Air’s self-developed plasma air purification equipment can capture fine particles as small as 0.01um in diameter and 99.99% efficiently kill viruses with a diameter of 20nm or more. We know that the average diameter of the new crown virus is 100nm, i.e. 0.1 microns, similar in size to HINI.

Through the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other authoritative institutions testing proved that Edda Air Plasma Cluster Ionizer for Split Unit Air-Conditioner equipment, which can effectively reduce the virus activity, has a purifying effect on viruses (HINI) and bacteria (E. coli, golden glucose cocci), pollen, spores, mold, fungi and static electricity.

Edda Air’s plasma technology goes beyond purification. The fresh air it produces will have a positive effect on human health, because human and animal lungs can absorb oxygen more effectively in clean plasma air, in order to supply more oxygen to the whole body and brain, thus providing protection for the health of the elderly and children and improving our quality of life.

With the recurrence of the epidemic in China and the intensification of the epidemic abroad, we cannot relax our vigilance. We should fully understand the recurrence and cunning of the virus, and do our best to prevent the epidemic for the sake of consumers and the health of our staff.

Commercial Plasma Cluster Ionizer for Split Unit

Now, more than ever, indoor air quality is an issue of vital importance for commercial and public facilities of all types. Plasma cluster ionizer for split unit air-conditioner systems reduces the risk of airborne infectious diseases. Viruses, bacteria, and mold (like all microbes) have no defense against plasma clusters.The plasma purifier uses a bipolar plasma electrostatic field to decompose and break down negatively charged bacteria, is able to penetrate the cell walls of microorganisms and disrupt their DNA which inactivates them.

Edda Air Plasma Technology offers more than just great equipment, we are also known for providing great support throughout the design and installation process. Our knowledgeable staff will help design complex custom installations and our proprietary PS-503(Air Quality Detector) provides precise configuration and plasma ions and disinfection information. 

We also have commercial plasma cluster ionizer for split unit air-conditioner systems for many applications in addition to HVAC.


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